moon's most recent

Goodbye old friend

Posted: 19th Mar 2008

This block behind me was once a vibrant part of nightlife. It housed Cha Cha's a restaurant bar. The Manray, and a dive bar. Not to mention another bar I forget the name of but I think The Stoplight isn't too far off as the name of it. The entire lot was built in the mid 30's and the architecture can never be replaced. Just the way it was constructed the craftsmanship... If you have ever been in a older building whether here or elsewhere, you can understand that things put up today are just cheap put togethers' sold or rented for big bucks. Many changes have been occuring on Capital Hill here in Seattle. KFC is being closed down and Jack In the Box will replace it. The old JB is closed down and empty. Taco Bell, gone. The old Safeway on Broadway is now a tall condo monstrosity, as is also other buildings off Broadway that have finished construction. Its closed ma and pa businesses to make way for what I like to call suburb terror of 'chains'. Things just aren't changing over time here, they are changing overnight. Seriously. There are more new condo/'chain' businesses going up on the hill than I have ever seen. And they all look the same. The diversity of the era spanning a hundred years is changing into cheaply built homes that the average consumer can't afford. Its relocating people who can afford to keep business or rent even on the hill. I feel its to 'chase the gays' out of the place we call home. Go figure, republican developers...leaving their eysores they think are amazing! So gays may be able to afford to live there, but it is certainly taking away from the character of yesterday...

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